Past of Random!!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008
When out with Janice and Siu Hui today, it was really fun, as we when to west mall to watch a movie named *hua pi* which is also called as painted skin, it was a funny and touching show as in the front part it was really funny, but as for the last part, when the person died it is really sad, but in the end they came back alive again...
Before the movie we when to shop as Janice wanted to buy her comics at comics connection and I wanted to buy Hua Shan birthday present, while overall Siu Hui was the poor thing one *Really sorry about that Siu Hui* and then after shopping for a while, we when to a shop which sells lots of things and the shop was really packed with the things they sell, and as we look around the shop, we saw a big packet of hello panda with 12 small packet of the hello panda, and there are a mixture of cheese, vanilla, strawberry and chocolate. When we open up the packet after buying it, instead of having the cheese flavor, it was cookies and cream, and Janice seems disappointed, but when we ate the cookies and cream biscuit, it taste quite nice... At least after tasting the cookies and cream, we are not as disappointed as before [=
Hope to go out with them again...
Ohyas and Siu Hui, don't blame yourself for being late...

I already got back my handphone [=

Posted by Jacelyn at 11:58 AM |